where the end is not the end

the word ‘end’ does not necessarily mean THE END. Indeed there is a demarcation line drawn, which shall end the age before that line. After that line there is another beginning of another age. This is the Christian hope and assurance of our belief.

There are many unknowns that are real and existing after crossing the demarcation line for each of us. Reading the Bible we know enough to give us the hope and the faith to walk by the Spirit towards finish line on this side of the line. The line has two sides. On the other side it is a beginning line.

What you can’t see doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist

Everyone fears the word. After the end what happens? Even with a story. When I came to the alphabet E with the word “end” I could not continue. Then I realize that the end is not really the end. Lewis wrote: “All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only […]

A DICTIONARY FOR NAVIGATORS ON SPIRITUAL ROUGH WATERS chapter 5: writing the end where the end is not the end